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Penulis : Erik Ramdan

9 Maret 2019 10:39

About Soccer Sports

Understanding Football?

What is football? The definition of soccer is a sport that uses a leather/rubber ball and is played by two teams, where each team consists of 11 core players and several substitutes.

There are also those who think the notion of soccer is a game that is done by kicking a ball where the goal is to enter the ball into the opponent's goal. A soccer game is won by the team that enters most opponents based on the rules of the game. { Live Streaming Football }

In English, soccer is called Football, while in the United States this game is called Soccer. The term "soccer" consists of two words, namely:

Football which means kicking with feet
The ball which means a game that is round and made of leather/rubber.

Understanding Football According to Experts

In order to better understand the definition of football, we can refer to the following opinions of some experts:
1. Agus Salim

According to Agus Salim, the notion of soccer is a sport that plays the ball using the foot in order to enter the ball as much as possible into the opponent's goal in accordance with the provisions previously set, either by the football association or other authorized parties.

2. Soekatamsi
According to Soekatamsi (1994: 3), the notion of soccer is a team game that is contested where each team consists of 11 players including the goalkeeper.

3. Muhajir
According to Muhajir (2007: 22), the notion of soccer is a game carried out by kicking a ball, where the aim is to put the ball into the opponent's goal and hold it so that the goal is not to concede the ball.

4. Luxbacher
According to Luxbacher (2008: 2), the notion of soccer is a game that is contested between two teams, where each team consists of 11 people and is done by defending the goal and trying to break the opponent's goal.

5. Remmy Muchtar
According to Remmy Muchtar (1992: 27), the notion of soccer is a game performed by ball processing and in managing body movements in the game.

The purpose of soccer games
The aim of the game is to put the ball into the opponent's goal as much as possible to win the match. The following are some of the goals to be achieved in the game of soccer;

Creating goals against the opponent's goal.
Drive or prevent the ball from entering its own goal.
Build teamwork so that the game is more solid.
Build and maintain sportsmanship between soccer players and create fair play.
Improve body fitness and health.
Achieve achievements in the world of sports, especially soccer.

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